One piece of carry-on baggage is allowed per passenger. Additional items or oversized carry-on must be checked.
Checked baggage allowance depends on the destination of the flight. Two or more family members travelling together may combine their luggage allowances. No individual piece may weigh more than 32kg (70 lbs) [AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']
Checked baggage exceeding the allowances indicated will be accepted on a stand-by basis, subject to space availability. Charges in foreign currencies are subject to change. Rates are on a per kilogram basis above the combined allowance.
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[AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']